Exploring Tinos by car

Lots of photos to share today! we had a fabulous 2nd to last day in Tinos driving to the northern end of the island, looking at villages, fabulous views and ancient ruins. The day started out with a lazy breakfast on the deck and a short sit by the pool while Paul took his run. Lots of reading done and I started my work blog. Above is Tinos port town in the distance from the top of the hill above. 

Right - I do love the windows here, they don't photograph well, napping in the sunshine on our deck, bottom left their view from the top of the hill above us (Photo from Lib) and bottom right a Crow taking a bath on the edge of the pool. 

Then we were off in our wee rental car, Paul did an amazing job driving these narrow winding roads on the wrong side of the road and often with goats or other hazards to contend with. We went really high up into the mountain like hills and often there was no crash barrier just a massive drop down a cliff face. The views were spectacular. Hills covered in stone terrace walls and small stone shelters. Churches everywhere - after some research I found these are family churches, so they are built everywhere across the landscape. Their main characteristic is the small tower, they have a large flat roof and often no windows. We came across one where it was built into the rock, so one of it's walls and it's roof were rock standing on the top of a cliff. 

After driving for quite a while we stopped at a village, it was after 1pm so we thought we'd have lunch. The village was called Pyrgos and the road went below the village so we parked near a cafe that gets 4.9 stars on google and ordered some drinks and food. The cafe was gorgeous, with beautiful marble features. We started up on their roof deck where little beetles landed on us constantly but loved the views, then when the sun emerged we moved downstairs for our food. The cafe was also tiny and there was another large group there. The food arrived as it was made and was slow to say the least. We all ate in the end but not together, all part of the experience. Before leaving we were given shots of Raki which was hard to swallow but good to have experienced. 

Left - Lots of lunch pics. Libby drinking a sparkling wine from Crete and they finally found a craft beer. 

We then went exploring the town. It's the 2nd largest village and everything is made from marble, there are about 500 people living there but it was all shut up as we walked around we assume it was siesta time. Everything there was beautiful, such an amazing experience to explore. More marble security screens and lots of interesting uses of marble slabs, sculptures and cute churches. 

Right - Pyrgos has beautiful mosaics, top right the view from the towns outer edge of the stone wall terracing. Bottom left, looking down on a dovecote, and bottom right I took lots of photos of abandoned old stone buildings. 

Below - top left the streets are really steep, another abandoned building. Bottom left we went hunting for the town bakery and found it closed, very cute and we could see goodies through the window so guessing it had been open and will open again. Bottom right posing in a square with a marble statue of a greek god (we weren't sure which one) and a beautiful bougainvillea. 

After Pyrgos we headed out to the coastline and stopped in another village called Panormos a fishing village with nearby beaches. Quite different to Pyrgos, Panormos was weathered being by the sea, tiny but has loads of seaside cafe's. We bought some ice cream and strolled the harbour side taking photos of cute fishing boats. Then Paul and I spotted an ancient ruin on the map that looked interesting about 10 minutes drive away - sadly the road was paved, then sand, then grave, then really really rough gravel and our tiny car struggled with 5 people in it to get up hills so we abandoned the journey half way. Fantastic views from where we stopped. 

Right. The road before it got too treacherous, two of the gorgeous wee fishing boats. Selfie when we got to the end of the road. 

By now it was 5pm so we drove back to the Tinos port town. Paul our tour drive stopped often for us to get photos along the way. 

Below we stopped at the top of a hill where there was a church, cemetary, windmills and other old buildings. Amazing views. Paul and Karen climbed up the various towers.

In town we drove up to the church of Panagia Evangelistria, no-one crawling up there today but loads of people buying long candles and heading inside. It's an enormous complex, with large courtyards and many buildings. 

The priest was being piped out via large speakers so could be heard from a long way away, I guess it was a call to prayer time of day at dusk. There is a bronze statue of a woman crawling at the top of the steep road and some amazing paving treatments. My knee had improved enough to walk up and down the marble stairs, I could not imagine crawling up them. 

Right - top the church bell tower, there were lots of stalls selling religious memorabilia and long long candles for lighting in the church. Below right the church from inside the courtyard and left the bronze statue of a woman crawling up the street. 

Last stop in town was the supermarket for more supplies. Karen, Paul and Libby cooked with some occasional help from Steve while I worked - much to everyone elses annoyance. Another lovely quiet evening with lovely food and wine. 

Below, the church built into the rock, Paul proving he can go where the mountain goats go at top. Bottom two from Libby - us at Panormos and Steve reacting to the Raki shot. 

It's certainly sad knowing this is our 2nd last day, everyone was tired from the sunshine and tripping around too. We have been really lucky with the weather and finding places open most of the time as it's not a holiday season here right now. 

Tinos as I have said is a quiet island, I imagine many of the tourists are Greek but it's proximity to Mykonos means there will be some like us who venture over. The islands are all so close, from various vantage points during the day we could clearly see Andros, Mykonos and Siros, their white buildings standing out in the sunshine from a distance. 

As I mentioned at the start so many photos today, will stop now.  

Right - top 2 are Panormos town. A mosaic wall in Pyrgos. Bottom 2 are again from the church of Panagia Evangelistria - right trying to show the enormity of it, and left one of the beautiful stone mosaic courtyard floors. 

Last day here tomorrow! eek. Thursday 9th May. 

Kalí su méra - have a good day. 


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