And then there were 5! Mykonos full day.

Paul headed out for a run early and I took my first solo outing this whole trip to find a bakery for some pre-brunch treats. The Easter celebrations had continued long into the night with church bells and fireworks going mad at midnight, then lots of priests singing about 1:30am. As it was Easter Sunday and before 9am not much was open but I could already see (and smell) people starting to spit roast lamb on their BBQ's for Easter Sunday lunch. Twice in my wandering I had to clamber up stairs to get out of the way of vehicles in a hurry, there was still water on the ground from the overnight rain so I also had to scoot around puddles at times but found a busy bakery without too much trouble about 5 minutes walk from our house. 

Left are my early morning walk pics. Top left is a shop that is covered in paintings and postcard display, then our opposite neighbours house, bottom right are some typical houses and bottom left one of the obstacles I had to navigate past - this one a tiny street cleaner up vehicle. 

After showers and demolishing our snacks we headed out for brunch, the first couple of cafe's we'd chosen on google maps were closed so we ended up at a fabulous place beside the bus station where we all had some variety of a toasted sandwich and a juice or smoothie which came in these fabulous Mykonos cups. Unbeknown to us Libby walked right past the cafe after being dropped in a taxi from the airport, she messaged to say she was navigating her way to our accommodation so we hurried back and got there at the same time, completely missing her in the winding streets. 

Tight. Top left Karen and I walked down the skinniest alleyway we've seen yet. Top right the bougainvillea are like trees here, must be hundreds of years old. Bottom row left cheesy beer photos, and all of the churches are decorated with bunting. 

Libby successfully installed we all headed off to wander the streets of the town. There had been talk of taking a bus to a beach but again it was incredibly windy so we decided to just stick with exploring, checking out the many shops and heading to a bar for afternoon snacks and a wine. 

To be fair that's really all we did all day, returning about 5pm to sit on our steps in the sunshine listening to music and catching up on our respective trips so far.

Left - Top and bottom left are taken from Little Venice, we went there yesterday and back today to see the view of the windmills, the very expensive bars and the cute waterside buildings. Top right walking we came across lots of these tiny tiny churches. Bottom right Paul has really nailed the influencer thing now. 

The tourist areas have painted pathways so we know that's where we should be walking I guess, then when you get beyond the tourist area the paths are stone with no paint. Most of Mykonos is nicely painted in the town but we did come across a few houses who haven't been freshened up with white paint recently. 

Mykonos has a flash new purpose built port and then the old port town where we were staying. It's actually a party island so there are beach villages everywhere with nightclubs - some nudist beaches, some gay beaches, a couple of family beaches but generally party beaches. 

There are also clubs in town and I had declared before leaving we had to go to one but finding they don't open until 11pm! and don't really start happening til midnight put us off slightly. Also finding they have cover charges, bottle service and the nearest one to us costs $22 for a bottle of water according to the google reviews - so we ended up not going to a club. 

Right - top, the old port is lovely with wee colourful boats moored. Bottom left snacks and drinks in a Taverna which was spit roasting whole lamb outside. Bottom right - everywhere in the Greek Islands are things with this eye symbol on them, trinkets, posters and stensils on walls. They eye - kako mati - represents that it deters wicked energy one person can transmit to another, or as another person told us it is good luck and keeps you safe. 

Instead of clubbing we headed out looking for dinner. The place we chose was also closed so we went to another gyros place up near the bus station for cheap and cheerful goodness. Paul is going to write some code to calculate out the who owes who what at the end of this week together thankfully or it will be a messy calculation with ferry tickets, accommodation, meals, drinks and supermarket runs. 

Photos left - Top left the eye - kako mati - again stencilled on a wall, top right I was fascinated with these light shades made of cane but they cost over $600 each! below on our walk back to our accommodation we encountered a few influencers - bottom right they were changing poses. and bottom left Paul snapped this shot. We didn't imitate either of these groups. 

So that was Easter Sunday in Mykonos (5th May) tomorrow we head to Tinos for our long stint in one place.  

Final photos - top another view of boats in the harbour, bottom right some of the super yachts in the harbour too and bottom left I was quite taken with the cup my green peace juice came in at brunch. 


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