Southern Field Days, Waimumu near Gore
Southern Field days is an impressive event. Large in scale with a spread of vendors beyond farming - jewellery, clothing, furniture, appliances, cars, spa pools - you name it you could buy it here. We noted the foot traffic was nothing like that of Central or the horrendously busy National Field Days. One major bonus was a fantastic article in the news paper on the first day of Field Days so 80% of people opened their stop with "I saw you in the paper today" - priceless!
With 5 of us on the stall everyone had plenty of time to walk around the event. I loved talking to other vendors of course, Steve wanted to buy every larger machine he saw and dragged me to see lots of cars he also wants to buy, was funny.
I got sick so missed day 2, and am still suffering from the worst head cold ever so poor Steve is having to do all of our driving this end of the trip.
Food wise Field Days catered really well for me. Lots of coffee vendors, gluten free sausages (yum) for lunch day 1 and this amazing pizza to share day 3. Sounds like Steve returned to the sausage vendor for a spicy non-GF one when I wasn't there too.
I fell in love with tractor pulling as a sport (no the cops didn't join that) fascinating how much is involved in modifying the tractors, scoping out the track, strategy.
Steve as I said just liked the tractors and other mysterious machines - we were terrible at figuring out what they do.
The event was good for Flatpak. We spoke to loads of people and had many enter our win a Flatpak by guessing how many bottles draw. Emily delivered product to Farmlands stores and we got to meet many local companies who are potential distributors as well.
Sadly she didn't win the young inventors award (judging above) the 9 year old that won invented an rfid system for hunters attached to their scope and clothing to prevent shooting your buddies accidentally - awesome aye.
Was a great experience. Glad we went.
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