Day 3: Icebreaker land through to dairy country
A shorter drive today to get us to Southland. The wind had dropped in Cromwell and our drive beside Lake Dunstan was quite lovely.
We stopped in Alexandra for a coffee which was ok and gave me the opportunity to buy some shorts for field days.
From here turning onto state highway 90 the environment all changed. The road was patchy and rutted - trucks - and the arid merino Icebreaker country quickly turned into lush green dairy farming countryside. The vehicles changed to farm vehicles, milk tankers and trucks.
Then we struck a remarkable change in weather. Dark clouds followed by rain and gale force winds basically until we got to Invercargil.
Continuing the theme of giant meals Team Flatpak enjoyed a large lunch at Tuatara Cafe - this is Kryten with corn fritters. Quick shop for supplies and off to find a non-licensing trust pub to taste the locally brewed ale. Below is Mike Riversdale enjoying an Invercargil Brewery pint.
Eventually we headed to Riverton where we are staying for the next 3 days. It's 1 hours drive to Waimumu but that's what happens when you book your accommodation late.
Cute cottage with a lovely view but omg it's cold here. Steve and I went round to visit Grandma and found her well with the garden looking quite fantastic - I am always in awe given that antartic southerly. Great to catch up. These pics below are for my children. I note nothing much has changed, the big slide and playground wise.
We ended our Riverton day with Chinese takeaways from the dairy on our corner. Early night before the first big Field Days day.
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