London day 9 - Primrose Hill and Donovan's flat
We ventured into The City this morning to meet up with Steve's cousin Craig for lunch. Emerging to road level at Bank Station is a wow moment with the vast and huge bank buildings, all so impressive. We found a great coffee place, wrote postcards in a Square and wandered the streets before meeting Craig.
The cousins had a great catch up before we headed off to find Primrose Hill opting to bus and stop in Camden High Street. Not so impressed with Camden but loving the walk alongside London Zoo grounds and the river, opulent homes, open spaces and lovely gardens.
Next the climb. It's funny how we can climb Mt KauKau, have been walking 15+ kms a day yet this little hill seemed steep. Great view of London from the top.
Much we wandered down to Primrose Hill village - where Steve now wants to live yet couldn't find a home under £2M - and settled into life on the pavement at an Italian wine bar for Aperols that were just like we make them.
Found Steve a real estate magazine to keep him busy. Was time to leave for Don's quite soon. I did text warning we were very happy then annoyed him by wanting to look at everything in Sainsbury's another new supermarket.
Putney is clean and Don's street is lovely. His house is large with 6 bedrooms. His flatmates all lovely. Yet more London is small emerging. One flatmate is friends with Harriet. Another works with Katrina.
Don BBq'd for us and Sophie arrived with a yummy salad, her new iPhone and a cover for me to match hers.
We even spoke to Mum which was great. Only thing in their backyard is the trains and planes make it harder to talk noise wise. Great to have seen where Don lives and to meet his flatmates.
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