Spectacular Waiohine Gorge, yucky weather

Foolishly believing the Metservice forecast we set off for a hike on Saturday. The weather in Wellington was pretty terrible and while the whole country was facing record winds on Sunday the forecast for the Wairarapa was mild Saturday in comparison. We chose Waiohine Gorge as the swing bridge looks spectacular- and it is! As is the gorge it crosses. A 120m suspension bridge, 40m above the river apparently, it's one person wide with a loading of 7 people. This is somewhere I wish I had brought Don and Imogen when they were young - very wow. There was a family down below us as we crossed. In the selfie pic you can see the bridge above. Back to our hike. We drove over the hill planning to hike and stay the night in Martinborough - the latter part we did. As we left the sealed road and hit gravel, realising we had no cell coverage on either phone it also dawned on us we didn't tell anyone else where we had gone. The rain was pretty bad and was sticking to the Tararu...