Wellington on a good day, Red Rocks walkway

It was a perfect spring like day today so we headed out on the Red Rocks walkway from Owhiro Bay carpark to the seal colony past Red Rocks. Lovely coastal walk with stunning views of the snow capped South Island mountains. We walked 5km, sat and ate an apple looking at the view then returned. There were tonnes of seals today basking in the sunshine. Man they stink en masse like this. Hard to get a good photo but the one above gives you an idea - yes the lumps that look like seals are seals. As it is a stunning Wellington day there were also hundreds of people, tens of cyclists, a handful of trail bikes and we thinks we gave way to over 200+ 4wd vehicles. My tiny rant is what a load of dickheads. This path is multi user yet the 4wd's sped, forced bikes and walkers to scramble up and down banks by not just slowing down and giving us room. Honestly of the 200+ only 7 vehicles did the kiwi index finger raise thank you gesture when we got out of ...